Thursday, July 22, 2010


Can the entire human race just please stop being stupid for one day? Yes, I suppose that does include yours truly, but seriously let's all commit to being less stupid for one day. I'm sure this will make our world a better place.

I need to start wearing a shirt that says "I'm not pregnant, I'm just fat". Maybe I'll become a millionaire by creating that shirt.

I think that America, collectively speaking, should eliminate the Bachelor or higher degree requirement for jobs. Apparently, the issuance of a BA, BM, BS or what have you, means that you are "qualified" to do a particular job. This certainly is not the case. I think that employers should give some sort of organization, reasoning and communication skill test during the interview to rule out complete creepazoids. There are loads of people crawling around offices that have no earthly idea what they're doing or how to organize themselves- and they are degreed individuals! The only thing that could make these people better is if some sort of angelic mist came down from heaven and filled their brain with new, useful, non-idiotic cells.

Degree requirements are lame. School is lame and wasting your time getting a Masters degree that will in no way benefit you in your current career is uber lame. Sure it may make me look better, but is it bringing in that extra cash? Flip no.

Last, I'm sick and tired of people posting political mumbo jumbo on facebook. Go do something productive with your day. No one really cares. I don't really care.

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